Message Created
This event will be sent whenever a message gets created, for example when receiving or sending a message from/to a customer.
Event Name
Payload Fields
Field | Type | Description |
to | string | The channel-specific identifier of the message receiver |
from | string | The channel-specific identifier of the message sender |
text | string | The text of the message |
attachments | string[] | The attachments of the message |
status | string | The status of the message. Can be only be received or sent |
channel | string | Channel identifier (e.g. whatsapp ) |
contact | Contact | The contact associated to the message |
createdAt | string | Date of contact creation (ISO 8601 formatted) |
metadata | Object | Metadata attached to the message (if present) |
Optional Fields
Field | Type | Description |
messageContactCard | MessageContactCard | The contact card associated to the message |
mesageContext | MessageContext | Shows if it is a reply to a message |
messageForward | MessageForward | Indicates if it is a forwarded message |
messageInteractiveList | MessageInteractiveList | Interactive list message information |
messageLocation | MessageLocation | The location associated to the message |
messageReplyButton | MessageReplyButton | Reply buttons message information |
Example Payload
"event": "message_created",
"payload": {
"to": "331122334455",
"from": "335544332211",
"text": "Hello",
"status": "received",
"channel": "whatsapp",
"contact": {
"href": "",
"conversationHref": "",
"name": "John Doe",
"tags": ["Lead"],
"uuid": "eb2b914a977e4ab896e7b886698b3eac",
"source": "whatsapp",
"avatarUrl": null,
"createdAt": "2022-10-12T15:57:16Z",
"phoneNumber": "331122334455"
"messageLocation": {
"coordinates": { "x": -23.605403621614, "y": -46.637346962613 },
"googleMapsLocation": ",-47.637346962613&key=AIzaSyByh_wmPx1e3qOzsUTa-xjKHFSEDvpzT0Y&signature=e8lZQ-eMXUwBwqmA1FAXksGtiR8="
"messageContactCard": {
"contactsInfo": [
"name": "Peter Parker",
"phones": [
{ "phone": "3331122336699", "wa_id": "", "type": "MOBILE" }
"messageReplyButton": {
"metadata": {
"type": "quick_reply",
"content": {
"url": "",
"text": "hello text",
"header": "header",
"caption": "caption",
"filename": "file.png",
"contentType": "image"
"options": [
"type": "text",
"title": "Yes",
"postback_url": "",
"postback_text": ""
"type": "text",
"title": "No",
"postback_url": "",
"postback_text": ""
"type": "text",
"title": "Maybe",
"postback_url": "",
"postback_text": ""
"messageInteractiveList": {
"metadata": "{\"header\":\"Welcome to our restaurant\",\"body\":\"Have a look at our menu\",\"buttons\":[{\"title\":\"click here\"}],\"sections\":[{\"title\":\"Breakfast\",\"subtitle\":null,\"items\":[{\"header\":\"Yogurt\",\"description\":null},{\"header\":\"Pancakes\",\"description\":null}]}]}"
"createdAt": "2022-10-18T12:06:29.000+02:00"