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PATCH /contacts/:uuid

Updates an existing contact.

Required Parameters

uuidstringThe identifier of the contact (e.g. phone number in WhatsApp)

Optional Parameters

tagsstring[]A list of comma-separated values (e.g ['Call back', 'Interested'])
custom_fieldsstring{}An object with the custom fields (e.g. {'Billing Address': 'Main Street 1})
namestringThe name of the contact
assigned_userStringEmail of the the collaborator that you want to assign to a contact
unassign_userBooleantrue is you want to remove the assigned collaborator from a contact
team_uuidStringUUID of the team that you want to assign to a contact
bot_statusStringThe status of the bot for this contact. Accepts either bot_start or bot_end.

When passing bot_status make sure that the bot is enabled in your account. Visit bots in your Callbell account to create and enable one.

If you have a bot enabled, the default status is bot_start.


Ensure that custom_fields and tags already exist in your account before passing them. Visit tags and custom_fields in your settings for more information.

Similarly, for assigned_user and team_uuid, use a valid email address associated with a user in your account or reference an existing team.

Example Request

  curl -X PATCH "https://api.callbell.eu/v1/contacts/414a6d692bd645ed803f2e7ce360d4c8" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer test_gshuPaZoeEG6ovbc8M79w0QyM" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"name": "Joe Doe NEW",
"custom_fields": {
"orderNumber": 123,
"zipCode": "98765430"


contactContactThe contact which has been updated.

Example Response

"contact": [
"uuid": "414a6d692bd645ed803f2e7ce360d4c8",
"name": "UPDATE Doe",
"phoneNumber": "123456789",
"avatarUrl": null,
"createdAt": "2020-11-13T21:08:53Z",
"source": "whatsapp",
"href": "https://dash.callbell.eu/contacts/414a6d692bd645ed803f2e7ce360d4c8",
"tags": [],
"assignedUser": "jane.doe@email.com",
"customFields": {}